Partners in Collaboration & Innovation

Do you represent a technology or service that could improve the tools and resources available within Gravity?

Do you represent a technology or service that could improve the tools and resources available within Gravity? Learn more about the types of partnership opportunities available with StartupScience.IO

Trusted By:
UC San Diego
Fullbright Canada
Stanford University
Alacrity Canada
Trusted By:
UC San Diego
Fullbright Canada
Stanford University
Alacrity Canada
Trusted By:
UC San Diego
Fullbright Canada
Stanford University
Alacrity Canada

Founder-First Philosophy

If your tech or service can genuinely improve startup outcomes while contributing to the business objectives of StartupScience.IO, we’d love to discuss how we can work together. But first, here are some of the qualities we look for in our most valued partnerships.

Win-Win-Win Outcomes

That extra ”win” is no mistake. StartupScience.IO aims to benefit all stakeholders in the startup lifecycle, especially founders!  

Enhanced User Experience

We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve Gravity through the integration of new technologies and resources.

Added Value

Startups need affordable tools but that doesn't mean your own business objectives cannot be met. Let’s discuss the possibilities.

Improved Outcomes

Can your product or service help startups improve performance and achieve success? We’d love to hear about it.

If you’d like to partner with StartupScience.IO, please don't hesitate to reach out, or read more to learn about the benefits different types of partners enjoy.
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Corporate Partners

Over 75% of Fortune 500 firms use or run accelerators to augment their innovation & R&D efforts, with the majority outsourcing their accelerator programs at an average cost of $1M, or $86k per founder. There is a better way. Get what you want without the risks, costs or frustration.

Benefits to Corporate Partners:

  • Unlimited deal flow. Don’t risk limiting your deal-flow to a single accelerator.
  • A level of data transparency never seen before
  • Track the progress of opportunities from Pre-Seed for building future deals.
  • Get detailed insights into a much larger cross section of your industry’s developments.
  • Save costs. Gravity is a fraction of the cost of most accelerators.
Screenshot of Member Management Table
Ready to see how Gravity can optimize your innovation and R&D efforts?
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Sponsorship Partners

Sponsors include partners such as investors, service providers, law firms, banks, accounting firms, and more. Choose from our base of startup programs to sponsor including non-profits, private accelerators, government programs and universities.

Benefits to Sponsorship Partners:

  • In-context brand, product, or service introductions, resulting in higher quality customers
  • Insider access to the data in the platform you sponsor
  • Keep a pulse on what’s happening in the startup world.
  • Connect with top talent and make data-driven decisions.
Screenshot of Sponsorship Placement
Learn more about placements for your product or service within the Gravity platform.

Service Partners

Founders need lawyers, accountants, consultants, and other services. StartupScience.IO brings these services to the right founder at the right time, benefiting both parties.

Benefits to Service Partners:

  • Visibility with founders at every stage of the startup journey
  • In-context presentation of your offering, right when founders are most likely to need it
  • Inclusion in our upcoming marketplace directory
  • The opportunity to attract and retain new clients
  • Real reviews to help boost your business
  • Potential for lower customer acquisition costs and higher conversion from impression to lead or sale
Screenshot of Services List
Ready to learn more about advertising and listing your service in Gravity?
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Advisors, Mentors and Coaches

Experienced subject matter and stage-specific advisors and mentors are a must for early-stage startups. In addition to counsel, they provide access to partners, investors, and potential customers. Usually, this comes at a significant cost, but Gravity can drastically reduce up-front investment of time, money, and resources by providing a powerful tool for pre-vetting opportunities.

Benefits to Advisors, Mentors and Coaches include:

  • The opportunity to get in front of startups for free
  • Robust data to pre-qualify every opportunity before initiating contact
  • Educated founders: Our integrated academy offers microcourses that teach founders the basics so you can focus on your area of specialized expertise.
  • In-platform communication. Contact founders directly from their profile.
  • Track the progress of opportunities
  • Keep a pulse on what’s happening in the startup world.
Screenshot of Startup Profile
Learn how Gravity can help you pre-vet opportunities and optimize your funnel.
Schedule a Demo
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